Tim Dehring

Just a random guy with a website

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20 Years of Aqua

Screenshot from an early preview build. Yes, the Apple menu was removed from the left and was placed in the center. Thankfully, that changed. But still…

From Stephen Hackett:

At Macworld 2000, Steve Jobs unveiled the user interface for Mac OS X. It was called Aqua.
512 Pixels

Has it really been that long since Steve Jobs demoed Aqua to the world? Seriously, I was just 19 when this was announced and a freshman in college. I still remember the keynote to this day and I could not wait to try out the new interface; hell, my computer was supposed to support it so I was definitely excited.

Damn, time flies by too fast. Now, get the hell off my lawn.

52 Week Savings Challenge – January, 2020 Update

Keeping up with my progress on the 52 Week Savings Challenge, at the end of December I had a total of $91.15 saved up over the 3 months. Small change, sure, but it’ll definitely increase more this month and the following months.

In fact, this month alone will almost double the amount ($80 by the end of the month added to the account).

Luckily, the interest rate hasn’t dropped (yet, anyway). Here’s to the next update in February!

Setting Up Goals For 2020

Last year, I wrote a post regarding my goals/resolutions for 2019. Halfway through the year, I switched web hosts and embarrassingly enough, I didn’t keep an accurate backup of my site when I did. Not that I had much posted to begin with, but it still sucked to lose that work and half to start over.

It’s funny though, really, because I think starting over is what I had to do in order to get myself to start posting more. When I first grabbed the domain and setup the site, I was posting 3-5 times a week, if not more. Of course, I wasn’t working at the time so I had plenty of time to do that. But even after I started working again full time, I was posting 2-3 times a week, maybe more.

I have no excuse to not post that much, considering we’re a family of 5 and there’s always something going on in our house to share. Looking back on the past 7 months when I restarted the blog, I haven’t posted like I should and I’m going to change that.

With that in mind, here’s a small list of goals for 2020 that I am going to follow as best as I can, and when the end of the year arrives, I’ll look back and see how well I disciplined myself.

  • Post more. This is a given, and so I’d like to have at minimum, 5 posts per month. More would be great, of course. Less would be considered lazy.
  • Photograph more. My oldest just turned 13 last month and let me tell you, I have no excuse to not take pics at any time to record memories. My phone has a camera, and I have two pocket Canon cameras that can be conveniently carried if needed. Plus, I love to take pics.
  • Write more. This is different than posting more, as I love to write but haven’t really written anything to share in a long time. Even if it’s personal, I need to start writing more for my own sake.
  • Save more/invest more. This will become a post of its own but the short version is self-explanatory: save more and invest more for my kids and their futures. For now, see my post on the 52 Week Savings Challenge.

That’s a start for now. It wasn’t too long ago that I was also earning an extra $1,000 with affiliate links and all that and I’d love to get back to that. But until then, I have to build up the blog and an audience.

It’s officially 2020.

A new year and a new decade wrapped in one. The holidays are officially over until next November but if it’s anything like this year, it’ll fly by.

Food for thought: this is my 5th decade of existence.

Country Winter Wonderland Wallpaper

It’s funny, really. I’m sitting here in bed at 2:30am, watching TV and writing this post, and I can’t help but look back at the last year and the fact that not only will it be a new year in just a few days, but it will also be a new decade.

Call it a mid-life crisis, call it depression, whatever you decide though, I’ve spent the last 8 months looking back on my life for the past 39 years and I feel like I’ve accomplished absolutely nothing.

Currently, I’m working on a full year-end post that I hopefully have ready before the end of the year. It’s a bit difficult to do when everyone is awake, especially my autistic son who is a constant ball of energy which makes it nearly impossible to get anything done except chase him throughout the house.

In the meantime, I have just two words to describe my current mood:

Goodbye, December.

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