Where do I begin?
I’ve had this domain/website/blog/vcard corner of the internet since around 2009, I believe. And in that time, I’ve had close to 300+ posts here. Unfortunately, I lacked vision for the site because every so often, I would attempt to start over while keeping my older posts in tact.
Well, I’ve been slacking in the posting department and my last post was January 2019, with goals as the topic as to what I planned to do here and in life. 6 months later and that post was still there, staring back at me with disappointment I presume.
After re-reading that post, and realizing that I suck at keeping up with posting, I decided to completely kill the site, database and all, and just start over. So, that’s what I did.
What will I post?
Well, it is my corner of the web and so I’ll post pretty much anything I want: pics I’ve taken, short stories, stuff that interests me that may interest someone else, recipes, tips/tricks for anything I can think of, etc.
I don’t even know if anyone comes here to read anything I post but I like to pretend I post useful stuff once in awhile.
TL;DR – Domain is about 10 years old, I posted here under various formats, I began to dramatically slow down posting, I nuked the website completely, and will be starting over.